Sunday, March 23, 2008

Close Encounters With the Wild: Amboseli National Park

Watching elephant herds and the spectacular views of Mount Kilimanjaro is the reason thousands of tourists visit the Amboseli National Park. The Amboseli National Park is 392 square kilometers in size of dramatically arid to semi arid surroundings and is also the heartland of the Masai nomadic community. During the mostly dry seasons, the Amboseli National Park Vegetation is scarce and sometimes rare making spotting game easier than in the Masai Mara Game reserve.

Walking the Amboseli National Park guarantees close encounters with numerous species of birds, large herds of wildebeests and zebra, elephant families, buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes and baboons. The park also holds numerous water birds among them flamingos. You will definitely see lions, leopards, and cheetahs in the dense natural patches of thick cover. You could also catch a glimpse of the rare black rhino every now and then.

The Amboseli National Park is not short of places to stay eat and while away your evenings, as you enjoy the sundowner and share your travel experiences with fellow travelers. There are numerous camp sites and lodges and you have a choice of either staying in budget or even luxurious accommodation. The choice is dependent on you and your pocket. One has a choice to stay at the Amboseli Lodge, set amidst lush tropical ponds, a cool oasis in these dramatically arid surroundings. The Ol Tukai Lodge also offers wonderful sceneries of Mount Kilimanjaro on the southern end of the Amboseli National Park. For those really traveling on a budget one should consider the public campsite near the Tortilis camp.

Getting to the Amboseli National Park from Nairobi can be arranged with a tour company of your choice, it's a four hour drive from Nairobi through Namanga to Amboseli in a custom made 4 wheel drive tour van. The road to Namanga is well kept although when you enter Amboseli National Park, the roads are not in very good shape.

Before leaving Amboseli National Park, it would be prudent for you to visit the numerous private wildlife sanctuaries scattered around the park, and strategically situated on higher grounds giving splendid views of Mount Kilimanjaro and watering holes where you can watch as wild animals drink water and enjoy the salt licks so close to you than you may have ever thought possible, providing an ideal ambiance to reflect on the splendor of natures creation.

If you are looking for a romantic retreat, bringing the family on vacation, or traveling alone, Amboseli National Park adventure awaits you as one of Kenya's many wildlife parks and sanctuaries.

Watching elephant herds and the spectacular views of Mount Kilimanjaro is the reason thousands of tourists visit the Amboseli National Park. The Amboseli National Park is 392 square kilometers in size of dramatically arid to semi arid surroundings and is also the heartland of the Masai nomadic community. During the mostly dry seasons, the Amboseli National Park Vegetation is scarce and sometimes rare making spotting game easier than in the Masai Mara Game reserve.

About the Author:

James G. Kamweru is a tour operator and has been organizing and reporting on Vacation, Travel and Tours for years. For more information on Amboseli National Park, Visit his site at Amboseli National Park


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